5 Tips for Couples Searching For Assisted Living

As a couple, choosing to move into assisted living isn’t a decision that is made quickly, or overnight. In fact, it can be a hard decision to come to. However, once decided, there are a lot more questions to answer. You have to have future plans to make, which community to move into, when you’re going to make all these adjustments, etc. In the midst of all the chaos and decision making it is important to remember your relationship.
Here are a few tips for couples looking for assisted living facilities:
1. Research Ahead of Time
It is critical to find a community that both you and your partner can enjoy. It may seem like you want to move to a community that is closest in proximity to the rest of your family, or focus on just a few good things instead of the living community as a whole. Remember, this is the place you are going to be living. Take the time to research facilities, make sure it has everything you want in a home including likable neighbors and good living conditions. Don’t judge a book by its cover, or a living facility by its freshly painted white fence!
2. Consider Individual and Shared Needs
Have a discussion with your partner about what you guys desire most in a community. Some compromises may have to be made, but you want to select a place you both can enjoy. This isn’t a one-time mini-vacation, this is a life you will be sharing. Make sure both parties have their needs met so you can make your living community a home.
3. Have a Financial Plan
Having a good financial plan will help ease the stress of not knowing what you can afford or how you’re going to “make ends meet.” Come up with a plan and stick to it. Go through and see what you have so you can be aware of the different options you have, and choose a financial plan that can support where your decisions.
4. Plan Ahead for Future Health Changes
Be realistic about the kind of care you need now, and what you may need in the future. Know the possible living conditions you may need so you don’t have to worry about adding more or moving later. Be ahead of your needs and plan for the future. Things come up unexpectedly, but you will have less things you are unsure about the more you plan for.
5. Discuss Plans, Take Time Deciding
Don’t rush. Choosing the right living community is a big decision. Take the time to discuss and research so you can be confident and happy with your final decision. Overall, this is your life you are trying to decide. There is no point in rushing through it.
Finding the right assisted living community doesn’t have to be intimidating or scary, by planning ahead and being prepared, you have a lot less to worry about and a lot more to look forward to.